清华主页 EN

Workshop on Computational Science and Artificial Intelligence

来源: 10-31

时间:11.01 ~ 11.04


组织者:Zuoqiang Shi

Date: 11.01 ~ 11.04

Venue: A7-101

Zoom: 787 662 9899

Password: BIMSA


Zuoqiang Shi (史作强, YMSC & BIMSA)



09:00-09:30 陈景润

Machine learning-based methods for PDEs: The issue of condition number

09:30-10:00 王冀鲁

Convergence of renormalized finite element methods for heat flow of harmonic maps

10:00-10:30 杜洁

High order bound preserving discontinuous Galerkin methods for compressible multi-species flow with chemical reactions

11:00-11:30 李铁军

AI Assisted Computational Biology: Two Case Studies

11:30-12:00 周沛劼

Dissecting spatiotemporal single-cell transcriptomics data combining dynamical models and generative AI

14:00-14:30 申立勇

Real-time Tool Path Planning Using Deep Learning for Subtractive Manufacturing

14:30-15:00 苏春梅

Structure-preserving parametric finite element methods for geometric flows

15:00-15:30 李宏杰

The effective construction on elastic metamaterials

16:00-16:30 焦雨领

DRM Revisited: A Complete Error Analysis

16:30-17:00 魏珂

On the convergence of policy gradient methods


09:00-09:30 沈捷

Navier-Stokes Equations: decoupled numerical schemes and beyond

09:30-10:00 段玉萍

Curvature Regularization Method for Non-Line-of-Sight Imaging

10:00-10:30 许现民

The Onsager principle and structure preserving numerical schemes

11:00-11:30 董国志

Learning-informed differential equation models and their applications

11:30-12:00 邱凌云

Sediment Measurement: an Inverse Problem Formulation

14:00-14:30 马征

深度学习方法求解 PDE 反问题

14:30-15:00 梁鑫

An RADI-type method for stochastic continuous-time algebraic Riccati equations


09:00-09:30 金石


09:30-10:00 邓东灵

面向量子,面向 AI,面向量子 AI

10:00-10:30 蒋凯

Quasiperiodic Systems: Algorithms, Analysis and Applications

11:00-11:30 熊涛


11:30-12:00 朱毅

A temporal difference learning method for solving high-dimensional PIDEs

14:00-14:30 王筱平

A fully-decoupled second-order-in-time and unconditionally energy stable scheme for a phase-field model of two phase flow with variable density

14:30-15:00 龚世华

Some convergence results for RAS-Imp and RAS-PML for the non-trapping Helmholtz problems

15:00-15:30 刘锦鹏

Provably Efficient Adiabatic Learning for Quantum-Classical Dynamics

16:00-16:30 孙赫


16:30-17:00 吴磊

Inductive Biases of Deep Convolutional Networks: A Theoretical Perspective


09:00-09:30 杨武岳


09:30-10:00 熊繁升


10:00-10:30 杨朔

Convergent finite element approximation of liquid crystals polymer networks

11:00-11:30 包承龙

Some recent progress in cryo-EM: towards establishing the data cycle
