[1] The stable trace formula for Shimura varieties of abelian type (with Mark Kisin and Sug Woo Shin.) Preprint (arXiv:2110.05381). Submitted.
[2] Stabilizers of irreducible components of affine Deligne-Lusztig varieties (with Xuhua He and Rong Zhou) Preprint (arXiv:2109.02594). Submitted.
[3] Proof of the arithmetic fundamental lemma in the minuscule case (with Chao Li) An appendix to Yifeng Liu, Fourier-Jacobi cycles and arithmetic relative trace formula,Camb. J. Math., 9 (2021), No. 1, 1-147
[4] The stabilization of the Frobenius-Hecke traces on the intersection cohomology of orthogonal Shimura varieties. Prepreint (arXiv:1801.09404). Submitted and under revision. Yihang Zhu Curriculum Vitae 2/6
[5] Twisted orbital integrals and irreducible components of affine Deligne-Lusztig varieties (with Rong Zhou) Camb. J. Math., 8 (2020), No. 1, 149-241
[6] Introduction to the Langlands-Kottwitz method. Contributed chapter in Shimura Varieties, London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series: 457.
[7] Fine Deligne-Lusztig varieties and Arithmetic Fundamental Lemmas (with Xuhua He and Chao Li) Forum Math. Sigma, 7 (2019), E15.
[8] Arithmetic intersection on Gspin Rapoport-Zink spaces (with Chao Li) Compos. Math., 154 (2018), No. 7, 1407-1440.
[9] Remarks on the arithmetic fundamental lemma (with Chao Li) Algebra Number Theory, 11 (2017), No. 10,2425-2445