AbstractIn this talk, we study some stochastic differential equations related to continuous measurements of open quantum systems. In these equations, we consider the regime where the coefficient on the noise tends to infinity. Under some conditions, we get pure jump processes which correspond to continuous time Markov chains, these processes being decorated with spikes distributed like a Poisso...
CMSA/Math Science Lectures in Honor of Raoul BottOrganizers:CMSA, Harvard UniversitySpeaker:Andrew NeitzkeYale UniversityTime:Thur., 04:00 am, Oct. 17, 2024 (Beijing time)Online:Zoom Webinar Registrationhttps://harvard.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_FdXunKh_TmmLF0GxpPwAYg#/registrationTitle:Abelianization in analysis of ODEsAbstract:I will describe the exact WKB method for asymptotic analysis...