
Gromov-Witten invariants of elliptic curves and configuration space integrals

Time:March 29 ( Wed.) 1:30-3:05 pm

Venue:Conference Room 3 (2nd floor) Jinchunyuan West Building


Speaker:Jie Zhou YMSC, Tsinghua University


Generating series of enumerative invariants are often suprisingly connected to period integrals. In this lecture I will explain two ways of establishing relations between Gromov-Witten invariants of elliptic curves and configuration space integrals. One is representation-theoretic based on works of Bloch-Okounkov and Okoukov-Pandharipande, the other is geometric via mirror symmetry. I will mainly focus on the 2nd one, in which regularization of divergent configuration space integrals plays an essential role.


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DATEMarch 29, 2023
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