
Factor Modeling for Clustering High-dimensional Time Series

Time:Wed., 13:30-14:30 May 10, 2023

Venue:Ning Zhai W11


Speaker:Zhang Bo The University of Science and Technology of China


We propose a new unsupervised learning method for clustering a large number of time series based on a latent factor structure. Each cluster is characterized by its own cluster-specific factors in addition to some common factors which impact on all the time series concerned. Our setting also offers the flexibility that some time series may not belong to any clusters. The consistency with explicit convergence rates is established for the estimation of the common factors, the cluster-specific factors, and the latent clusters. Numerical illustration with both simulated data as well as a real data example is also reported. As a spin-off, the proposed new approach also advances significantly the statistical inference for the factor model of Lam and Yao (2012).



DATEMay 10, 2023
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