
Wilson-loop One-point Functions in ABJM Theory

Time:2023-06-07 Wed 16:00-18:00

Venue:Venue: A3-4-312 ZOOM: 871 4236 3227(PW: BIMSA)

Organizer:Hongfei Shu, Hao Zou, Ruidong Zhu

Speaker:Junbao Wu Tianjin University


In this paper we study the correlation function of a single trace operator and a circular supersymmetric Wilson loop in ABJM theory. The single trace operator is in the scalar sector and an eigen-operator of the planar two-loop anomalous dimension matrix. The Wilson loop is in the fundamental representation of the gauge group or a suitable (super-)group. Such correlation functions at tree level can be written as an overlap of the Bethe state corresponding to the single trace operator and a boundary state which corresponds to the Wilson loop. There are various type of supersymmetric Wilson loops in ABJM theory. We show that some of them correspond to integrable boundary states while some are not. For the integrable ones, we prove their integrability and derive an analytic formula for the overlap in some cases. In this talk, we will focus on the bosonic 1/6-BPS Wilson loops. This talk is based work done with Yunfeng Jiang and Peihe Yang.

DATEJune 7, 2023
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