Abstract Given a (projective) conifold transition of smooth projective threefolds from $X$ to $Y$, we show that if the Gromov--Witten/Pandharipande--Thomas descendent correspondence holds for the resolution $Y$, then it also holds for the smoothing $X$ with stationary descendent insertions. As applications, we show the correspondence in new cases. This is joint work with Sz-Sheng Wang.About the...
Speaker:Zhituo Wang is an associate professor at the institute of advanced study in mathematics (IASM), Harbin Institute of Technology. He obtained a Ph.D in 2011 at the University of Paris-sud 11. His supervisor was Prof. V. Rivasseau. Then he became a posdoc researcher at the university of Roma Tre. His mentors were V. Mastropietro and A. Giuliani. His current interest is constructive quantu...