
Phase Transitions in Quantum Many-body system

Time:2023-10-26, Thursday, 16:00-17:00

Venue:双清综合楼C548 Shuangqing Complex Building


Speaker:Wang Zhituo 王智拓 Harbin Institute of Technology


Zhituo Wang is an associate professor at the institute of advanced study in mathematics (IASM), Harbin Institute of Technology. He obtained a Ph.D in 2011 at the University of Paris-sud 11. His supervisor was Prof. V. Rivasseau. Then he became a posdoc researcher at the university of Roma Tre. His mentors were V. Mastropietro and A. Giuliani. His current interest is constructive quantum field theory, quantum many-body problem, probability and noncommutative geometry.


In this talk I will present some recent progress on the construction of ground state of the honeycomb Hubbard model, which is a prototypical model for studying phase transitions in quantum many-body system. Using fermionic cluster expansions and constructive renormalization theory, we proved that the ground state of this model is not a Fermi liquid in the mathematical precise sense of Salmhofer. We also derived the non-perturbative critical temperature for the phase transition.

DATEOctober 26, 2023
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