
Game Theory Seminar | The genetic architecture of competition and cooperation

Time:14:00-15:45, Nov. 1st, Wednesday

Venue:Lecture Hall B725, Tsinghua University Shuangqing Complex Building A(双清综合楼A座B725报告厅) Zoom:951 7537 9655 Passcode:666666

Organizer:邬荣领(BIMSA), 张蓥莹 (YMSC)

Speaker:张珅 (Tsinghua University)


This presentation centers on the examination of models employed to depict both biological competition and cooperation. We will commence our discussion by delving into the Lotka-Volterra Equation and its classical generalization, highlighting the core concepts and appraising their merits and demerits. Subsequently, we will propose the Quasi-dynamic Ordinary Differential Equation Model and the measure of interspecific interaction incorporating the basic principles of evolutionary game theory in nature. In the final segment, we will utilize real-world data as a case in point. Leveraging the aforementioned model, we will construct an intricate, information-rich, and dynamic network, aptly termed the Informationally Dense Omni-directional and Personalized Network (IDOP Network). This practical application will serve as a litmus test for the viability and accuracy of the model. By exploring these models and their practical implications, we hope to gain a deeper understanding of how competition and cooperation shape the biological world, ultimately shedding light on the intricate mechanisms that govern life.

DATENovember 1, 2023
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