AbstractThis talk will explain factorization homology, which is intended to abstract and organize the observables of a TQFT. Factorization homology is a construction that associates a chain complex to a (framed) n-manifold M and a (rigid) n-category C. One can rightfully think of C as the domain of a topological QFT, and C as an organization of point/line/surface/… observables of the QFT as th...
AbstractWe investigate the high energy behavior of the SU(N) chiral Gross-Neveu model in 1 + 1 dimensions. The model is integrable and matrix elements of several local operators (form factors) are known exactly. The form factors show rapidity space clustering, which means factorization, if a group of rapidities is shifted to infinity. We analyze this phenomenon for the SU(N) model. For several ...