
The minimal intersection numbers of loops on surfaces | BIMSA Topology Seminar

Time:2024-03-27 Wed 14:00-15:00

Venue:A3-4-101 ZOOM: 559 700 6085 BIMSA

Organizer:Matthew Burfitt, Jingyan Li, Jie Wu, Jiawei Zhou

Speaker:Xuezhi Zhao Capital Normal University


Given two loops on a compact surfaces F, it is natural to ask: what is their minimal intersectionnumber during homotopy classes? This number is usually said to be the geometric intersectionnumber. In this talk, we shall explain an algorithmic treatment of such a problem: Determination ofgeometric intersection and selfintersection numbers of loops on surfaces. Some applications ingeometric topology will be illustrated. Our integration have two parts: Nielsen fixed point theory andGrbner-Shirshov basis.

DATEMarch 27, 2024
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