
Generalized Beauville decompositions | GRASP seminar

Time:2024-04-24 Wed 16:00-17:00

Venue:A3-2-303 ZOOM: 242 742 6089 BIMSA

Organizer:Pengfei Huang, Tao Su, Hao Sun

Speaker:Qizheng Yin BICMR


This serves as a complement to Junliang Shens talk. l will begin with the classical theory of theBeauville decomposition, which provides a canonical, multiplicative splitting of the Leray filtration forabelian schemes. Then l will discuss the problem of extending the Beauville decomposition tocertain abelian fibrations with singular fibers. l will explain how the extension leads to themultiplicativity of the perverse (Leray) filtration for such fibrations, and eventually to a new proof ofthe P= W conjecture. Further results and open guestions will also be discussed. Joint work withYounghan Bae, Davesh Maulik, and Junliang Shen.

DATEApril 23, 2024
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