
Connection probabilities for loop O(n) models and BPZ equations

Time:17:00-17:45, 2024-11-11


Speaker:Hao Wu

Speaker: Hao Wu (YMSC, BIMSA)

Time: 17:00-17:45, 2024-11-11

Venue: A6-1

Zoom: 388 528 9728

Password: BIMSA


Critical loop O(n) models are conjectured to be conformally invariant in the scaling limit. In this talk, we focus on connection probabilities for loop O(n) models in polygons. Such probabilities can be predicted using two families of SLE partition functions: Coulomb gas integrals and pure partition functions. We will give the explicit relationship of the SLE partition functions with Coulomb gas formalism of CFT and derive various properties of these partition functions which matches with the algebraic content from CFT.

Speaker Intro

Hao Wu obtained her bachelors degree from Tsinghua University in 2009 and obtained her PhD from University of Paris-sud in 2013. She was a C.L.E. Moore instructor at MIT from 2013 to 2015 and was a postdoc researcher at Geneva University from 2015 to 2017. In 2017, she came back to Tsinghua University as a professor.

Hao Wu works on statistical physical models such as stochastic process Schramm-Loewner Evolution, Gaussian free field and Ising model. Hao Wus series of works find the scaling limits of a general class of boundary-to-boundary connection probabilities and multiple interfaces in the 2-dimensional critical lattice models. They verified predictions from the physics literature and provided evidence of the expected conformal field theory of these models.

Member Seminar Intro

The BIMSA member seminar is a weekly event during which researchers engage in discussions about their extensive research interests, addressing a diverse audience that includes fellow researchers and all postdoctoral scholars within the institute. This forum provides a unique privilege and an invaluable opportunity for each research faculty member, serving as a speaker, to introduce their research field, promote the subject within the institute, and ignite the potential for future collaborations with other research groups within the institute.

The lecture format consists of a 30-minute colloquium-style presentation, thoughtfully tailored to be accessible to postdoctoral scholars and researchers from diverse disciplines within the institute. Following the presentation, a 15-minute discussion session is anticipated, involving active participation from postdocs representing various fields.

It is mandatory for all postdocs at the institute to actively participate in this event. The enthusiastic involvement of faculty members is greatly valued and will prove mutually beneficial for both the speaker and the junior audience.


图片Yuval Peres


Probability Theory

Artan Sheshmani


Algebraic Geometry

图片图片Hossein Yavartanoo


Mathematical Physics

DATENovember 10, 2024
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