
The 9th annual Conference on Big Data

Time:August 31-Sep 1, 2023

Venue:Harvard University Science Center Hall D & via Zoom

On August 31-Sep 1, 2023, the CMSA will host the ninth annual Conference on Big Data. The Big Data Conference features speakers from the Harvard community as well as scholars from across the globe, with talks focusing on computer science, statistics, math and physics, and economics.



Michael Douglas

CMSA, Harvard University

Yannai Gonczarowski

Economics and Computer Science, Harvard University

Lucas Janson

Statistics and Computer Science, Harvard University

Tracy Ke

Statistics, Harvard University

Horng-Tzer Yau

Mathematics and CMSA, Harvard University

Yue Lu

Electrical Engineering and Applied Mathematics, Harvard University

Confirmed Speakers

Jacob Andreas, MIT

Morgane Austern, Harvard

Albert-László Barabási, Northeastern

Rachel Cummings, Columbia

Melissa Dell, Harvard

Jianqing Fan, Princeton

Tommi Jaakkola, MIT

Ankur Moitra, MIT

Mark Sellke, Harvard

Marinka Zitnik, Harvard Medical School


Zoom Webinar registration

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Directions and Recommended Lodging

For more information

DATEAugust 27, 2023
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