Zoom link: https://zoom.us/j/4552601552?pwd=cWxBUjlIN3dxclgrZWFEOC9jcmlwUT09 AbstractIn 1990 Tian-Yau proved that if Y is a Fano manifold and D is a smooth anti-canonical divisor, the complement X=Y\D admits a complete Calabi-Yau metric. A long standing problem has been to understand the existence of Calabi-Yau metrics when D is singular. I will discuss the resolution of this problem when D=D_1...
AbstractJoint work with Nguyen Bac Dang. We develop an intersection theory for b-divisors and used it to get informations on the degree growth of iterates of rational maps.More information about the seminar can be found at:https://ywfan-math.github.io/ADCD.html SpeakerCharles Favre is a French mathematician. He conducts research and teaches at the Laurent-Schwartz Mathematics Centre at École Po...