清华主页 EN


来源:清华大学丘成桐数学科学中心 05-10

时间:5月12日 10:00-11:30

地点:腾讯会议 836 6547 4971

组织者:Zhennan Zhou (周珍楠)

主讲人:Zhennan Zhou (周珍楠)


In this talk, we are concerned with the Fokker-Planck equations associated with the Nonlinear Noisy Leaky Integrate-and-Fire model for neuron networks. Due to the jump mechanism at the microscopic level, such Fokker-Planck equations are endowed with an unconventional structure: transporting the boundary flux to a specific interior point. In the first part of the talk, we present a conservative and positivity preserving scheme for these Fokker-Planck equations, and we show that in the linear case, the semi-discrete scheme satisfies the discrete relative entropy estimate, which essentially matches the only known long time asymptotic solution property. We also provide extensive numerical tests to verify the scheme properties, and carry out several sets of numerical experiments, including finite-time blowup, convergence to equilibrium and capturing time-period solutions of the variant models. Secondly, we are concerned with a kinetic model for neuron networks. Individual neurons are characterized by their voltage and conductance, the dynamics of the voltage is influenced by the conductance and when the voltage is reaching a threshold, it is immediately reset to a lower value. By exploring a series of toy models, we aim to identify the cause of the emergence of time-periodic solutions in such Fokker-Planck equations.


周珍楠,北京大学北京国际数学研究中心研究员、博士生导师。2014 年在美国威斯康辛大学麦迪逊分校获得博士学位,2014-2017 年在美国杜克大学担任助理研究教授,2017 年加入北京大学北京国际数学研究中心,任研究员、博士生导师。主要研究领域为微分方程的应用分析,微分方程数值解,应用随机分析,随机模拟等,特别是关注来源于自然科学的应用数学问题。入选中组部第十四批“千人计划”青年人才项目(2018),入选北京市科协(2020-2022 年)青年人才托举工程项目。

  • 周四讨论班:计算与应用数学

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  • 计算数学

    PI: 朱毅计算数学团队致力于用理论和应用数学工具解决自然科学和社会科学中出现的科学问题, 包括数学建模、应用分析、数值方法和数学学习。近年来, 团队在数学建模、应用偏微分方程、数值方法、深度学习、优化、数值代数、矩阵分析、逆问题、图像处理等方面取得了许多重要成果。目前团队承担了国家重点研发计划和国家自然科学基金计划的十多个项目