清华主页 EN

Symplectic deformations and the Type IIA flow

来源: 08-11

时间:Monday,10:30-11:30am, August 15, 2022

地点:Online Tencent ID: 989-836-015; Offline: Lecture Hall, Jinchun Yuan West Building


主讲人:Teng Fei (Rutgers University – Newark)


The equations of flux compactification of Type IIA superstrings were written down by Tomasiello and Tseng-Yau. To study these equations, we introduce a natural geometric flow known as the Type IIA flow on symplectic Calabi-Yau 6-manifolds. We prove the wellposedness of this flow and establish the basic estimates. We show that the Type IIA flow can be applied to find optimal almost complex structures on certain symplectic manifolds. We prove the dynamical stability of the Type IIA flow, which leads to a proof of stability of Kahler property for Calabi-Yau 3-folds under symplectic deformations. This is based on joint work with Phong, Picard and Zhang.


Teng Fei obtained his Ph.D. from MIT in 2016, under the supervision of Prof. Shing -Tung Yau and Prof. Victor Guillemin. He is currently an assistant professor in the Department of Math & CS of Rutgers University - Newark.

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