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A gentle introduction to the 3d/3d correspondence

来源: 11-25

时间:Fri., 13:30-15:00, Nov.25, 2022

地点:Zoom ID: 9383671691 Password: 123456 https://us02web.zoom.us/j/9383671691?pwd=cUdMak5La1Q4d214TVZUQXhLaU5yQT09

组织者:Hao Wang, Xiaoyue Sun, Yuanyuan Fang

主讲人:Satoshi Nawata (Fudan University)


In this talk, I will survey the development of the 3d/3d correspondence in the past years. The 3d/3d correspondence is the duality between complex Chern-Simons theory on a 3-manifold and 3d N=2 theory labeled by the 3-manifold. Although the full picture is yet to be uncovered, it exhibits a spectacular interplay between topology of 3-manifolds and QFT. In this talk, I introduce established examples such as modular transformations, equivariant Verlinde formulas, Z-hat, and quantum modularity in the 3d/3d correspondence. I will also mention open problems in this area. The talk is supposed to be 1.5-hour long.


I am interested in mathematical structure hidden behind dynamics of M5-branes. Although the world-volume theory on M5-branes remains mysterious, it generates huge classes of quantum field theories in various dimensions. I would like to understand intriguing connections of supersymmetric gauge theories, topological quantum field theories, mathematical physics and string theory via dynamics of M5-branes.

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