清华主页 EN

Systolic inequality on Riemannian manifold with bounded Ricci curvature

来源: 02-28

时间:Tue.13:30-14:30pm, Feb. 28, 2023

地点:Jinchunyuan West Building, Conference Room 3 Zoom ID: 405 416 0815; PW: 111111


主讲人:Zhifei ZHU 朱知非(YMSC)


In this talk, we show that the length of a shortest closed geodesic on a Riemannian manifold of dimension 4 with diameter D, volume v, and |Ric|<3 can be bounded by a function of v and D. In particular, this function can be explicitly computed if the manifold is Einstein. The proof of this result depends on a structural theorem proven by J. Cheeger and A. Naber. This is joint work with N. Wu.


I am currently a postdoctoral fellow at Yau Mathematical Sciences Center. I am specializing in the field of Quantitative Geometry, which is a branch of Geometry that, in particular, studies the geometric inequalities and effective versions of topological existence theorems. I obtained my Ph.D. in 2019 from University of Toronto under the supervision of Prof. Regina Rotman.



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