清华主页 EN

Intersection of holomorphic curves with generic hypersurfaces

来源: 03-28

时间:Mar. 28 (Tue.), 15:00-17:00

地点:Zoom Meeting ID: 897 9522 8294 Passcode: 1.17628

组织者:Yu-Wei Fan, Hsueh-Yung Lin

主讲人:Duc Viet Vu University of Cologne

About the Seminar

This seminar centered loosely around algebraic dynamics, complex dynamics, and related topics. We meet weekly for a 90-minute talk, with the first 30 minutes aiming towards non-experts and graduate students. After the talk we will have 30 minutes of informal discussion.

More information about the seminar can be found at:



Let f be holomorphic curve in a complex projective manifold X. I will explain why the geometric intersection of the (transcendental) curve f with a very generic divisor of a very ample line bundle L on X is of maximal growth and f almost misses general enough analytic subsets on X of codimension at least 2. This is a joint-work with Dinh Tuan Huynh.


I am currently a professor at Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Cologne.

Research interests

☑ Pluripotential theory

☑ Complex dynamics and foliations

☑ Complex geometry

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