清华主页 EN

Moduli Spaces and Related Topics | Mixed-Spin-P fields for GIT quotients

来源: 12-13

时间:2023-12-13, Wednesday 10:00am

地点:C654, Shuangqing Complex Building

组织者:Xiang He, Chenglong Yu, Dingxin Zhang, Jie Zhou

主讲人:Zhou Yang 周杨 复旦大学上海数学中心


The theory of Mixed-Spin fields was introduced by Chang-Li-Li-Liu for the quintic threefold, aiming at studying its higher genus Gromov-Witten invariants. Chang-Guo-Li has successfully applied it to prove famous conjectures on the higher-genus Gromov-Witten invariants proposed by physicists. In this talk I will explain a generalization of the construction to more spaces. The generalization usually depends on some choices and I will give some concrete examples in the talk.

The key is a stability condition which guarantees the separatedness and properness of certain moduli spaces. It also generalizes the construction of the mathematical Gauged Linear Sigma Model by Fan-Jarvis-Ruan, removing their technique assumption about "good lifitings".

This is a joint work with Huai-Liang Chang, Shuai Guo, Jun Li and Wei-Ping Li.
