清华主页 EN

Algebraic Geometry Seminar | Ball quotients and moduli spaces

来源: 12-15

时间:2023-12-15, Friday 15:30-16:30

地点:Zoom meeting ID: 455 260 1552 Pw: YMSC;Tsinghua West Stepping Classroom 清华西阶梯教室

组织者:Caucher Birkar,曲三太, 陈炳仪

主讲人:Klaus Hulek Universität Hannover


Many moduli spaces can be described as ball quotients. Examples include the Deligne-Mostow varieties, moduli of cubic surfaces and certain moduli spaces of lattice-polarized $K3$ surfaces. Here I will discuss the geometry of some of these examples, including their topology and different (partial) resolutions. I will also comment on the relationship with the Minimal Model Program. This talked is based on joint work with S. Casalaina-Martin, S. Grushewsky, R. Laza and Y. Maeda.
