清华主页 EN

Mirror symmetry and rigid structures of generalized K3 surfaces | Geometry and Dynamics Seminar

来源: 12-13

时间:2023-12-13 Wed 13:30-15:30

地点:A3-1-101 ZOOM: 388 528 9728(PW: BIMSA)

组织者:Yu-Wei Fan

主讲人:Atsushi Kanazawa Keio University


Inspired by the works of Hitchin and Huybrechts, we introduce a formulation of mirror symmetry for generalized K3 surfaces by Mukai lattice polarizations. This formulation is compatible with the SCFT on K3 surfaces discussed by Aspinwall-Morrison, and fixes the problems in the conventional mirror symmetry for lattice polarized K3 surfaces. In particular, we settle the long-standing problem of mirror symmetry for singular K3 surfaces (also known as rigid K3 surfaces).

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