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YMSC Topology Seminar | Compactification of Hitchin components in Rank 2

来源: 05-27

时间:Tuesday, 13:30-14:30 May 28, 2024

地点:B627, Shuangqing Complex Building A 双清综合楼A座 B627报告厅;Zoom Meeting ID: 405 416 0815 Passcode: 111111


主讲人:Charles OUYANG Washington University in St. Louis


There are three natural perspectives in which one could view Teichmüller space: Riemann surfaces as holomorphic objects, hyperbolic metrics as geometric objects, and Fuchsian representations as algebraic and topologic objects. In higher Teichmüller theory, one studies representations into higher rank Lie groups, where now the holomorphic objects are replaced with Higgs bundles. In certain cases, the new geometric objects are minimal surfaces inside symmetric spaces, and are linked to other geometric structures. In the same spirit as Thurston and Bonahon, we construct a compactification of a few Hitchin components and explicitly describe the boundary objects. This is joint work with A. Tamburelli.

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