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Sym TFT from llB | BIMSA-Tsinghua String Seminar

来源: 06-03

时间:2024-06-04 Tue 14:00-15:30

地点:A3-2-303 Zoom:637 734 0280 BIMSA

组织者:Fengjun Xu, Wei Cui

主讲人:Jiahua TianHua Dong Normal University


We construct 7D SymTFTs associated to 6D SCFTs via compactification of llB SUGRA with 7-branes on non-compact geometries. We find that the reduction of the topological action of llB alongwith that of the 7-branes using only the topological data of the boundary of the non-compact spaceeads to results that match the known ones obtained from analyzing the details of the tensor branchof 6D SCFT, which strengthens the idea that the discrete higher form symmetries depend only ontopological data at infinity. The talk is based on an upcoming work collaborating with Yi-Nan Wang.
