Abstract:The K(pi,1)-conjecture for reflection arrangement complements, due to Arnold, Brieskorn, Pham, and Thom, predicts that certain complexified hyperplane complements associated to infinite reflection groups are Eilenberg MacLane spaces. We establish a close connection between a very simple property in metric graph theory about 4-cycles and the K(pi,1)-conjecture, via elements of non-posi...
ScheduleDayTimeVenueZoomWed13:30-15:05A3-1a-205242 742 6089Thu15:20-16:55A3-1a-205537 192 5549Zoom Password:BIMSAPrerequisiteEssential prerequisites: undergraduate group theory and linear algebra. Desirable prerequisites (introductory) topology and representation theory.IntroductionBraid groups are special types of groups which appear in many areas of pure and applied mathematics. We will mainl...