Geometric Representation Theory Seminar
Lin Chen, Will Donovan, Penghui Li, Peng Shan, Changjian Su, Wenbin Yan
Lingfei Yi 易灵飞 (上海数学中心)
Wed., 3:30-4:30 pm, Sept. 25, 2024
B627, Shuangqing Complex Building A
清华大学双清综合楼A座 B627
Slices in the loop spaces of symmetric varieties
Let X be a symmetric variety. J. Mars and T. Springer constructed conical transversal slices to the closure of Borel orbits on X and used them to show that the IC-complexes for the orbit closures are pointwise pure. This is an important geometric ingredient in their work providing a more geometric approach to the results of Lusztig-Vogan. In the talk, I will discuss a generalization of Mars-Springer's construction of transversal slices to the setting of the loop space LX of X where we consider closures of spherical orbits on LX. I will also explain its applications to the formality conjecture in the relative Langlands duality. If time permits, I will discuss similar constructions for Iwahori orbits. This is a joint work with Tsao-Hsien Chen.