Abstract:The Hitchin morphism is a map from the moduli space of Higgs bundles to the Hitchin base, which is generally not surjective when the dimension of the variety is greater than one. Chen-Ngo introduced the concept of the spectral base, which is a closed subscheme of the Hitchin base. They conjectured that the Hitchin morphism is surjective to the spectral base and also proved that the su...
The Hitchin map and the spectral baseSpeakerJie Liu 刘杰中国科学院数学研究所TimeTues., 14:00-16:00, Oct.8, 2024Mon., 10:00-12:00, Oct.14, 2024VenueC658, Shuangqing Complex Building AAbstractWe review the recent progress on Chen-Ngo's conjecture on the image of Hitchin map of moduli stack of Higgs bundles over higher dimensional projective manifolds. During the lectures, the following topics wil...