摘 要:Natural Language Processing (NLP) is an important research area in Artificial Intelligence. NLP mainly studys how to use computer technology to process linguistic texts. The specific research problems in NLP includes recognition, classification, extraction, transformation and generation of lexical, syntactic, semantic and pragmatic information. This seminar will introduce the basic conc...
PI: 刘正伟刘正伟团队从事量子信息与量子计算的研究, 并将前沿的数学理论应用到量子理论的研究中。其中量子纠错、量子算法、量子机器学习、量子复杂度、量子程序语言等核心理论是团队重点研究的对象。目前该团队已基于量子拓扑、量子代数、量子傅里叶分析等数学前沿理论建立了新的数学图形语言 Quon 来研究量子信息, 并基于此语言提出新的量子通讯协议、量子纠错码的设计方案。在未来三年该团队计划进一步研究量子复杂度、并结...