摘 要:根据时间允许,该课程主要介绍如下内容:1. Eilenberg-MacLane空间与Postnikov系统。2. H-空间与co-H空间,Hopf代数。3. 回路空间的同调,Bott-Samelson 定理,Dyer-Lashof运算。4. James构造,Whitehead积,Samelson积,构型空间,Snaith定理。5. Cohen群,回路双角锥函子的自映射群,函子A^{min},co-H-空间的回路空间的分解。6. EHP序列与同伦群。预备知识:代数拓扑主讲人简介:BIMSA研究员,美国罗切斯特大学数学...
摘 要:This is the sequel of the course "On Fusion Categories" given on first semester. It introduces to the notion fusion category, which can be seen as a representation theory of the (finite) quantum symmetries. The notes and videos of the first part are available at: http://www.bimsa.cn/newsinfo/526244.html预备知识:Category theory参考书目:Etingof, Pavel; Nikshych, Dmitri; Ostrik, Viktor. ...