BIMSA2022秋学期 公开课总课表

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BIMSA2022秋学期 公开课信息一览
2022-09-19 ~ 2022-12-21
String Theory I 弦理论 I
Lecturer Sergio Cecotti (Research Fellow)
Time 10:40 - 12:15, Mon,Wed
Venue 1110
Online Zoom: 928 682 9093 PW:BIMSA
Level Graduate
Language English
Record Yes
Basic mathematics (calculus, algebra, etc.); a textbook knowledge of General Relativity and Quantum Field Theory (including the very basics facts about supersymmetry); the elementary notions of differential geometry (Riemannian geometry, bundles, connections, etc.), Lie groups, and algebraic topology (homology & cohomology groups,etc.).
A comprehsive course in String Theory. String Theory I covers the foundations of the theory, the construction of the various string theories, with emphasis on the supersymmetric ones, and the basic computational techniques. The emphasis is on SUSY string theories, the bosonic string is used mainly as a didactical laboratory where we introduce basic ideas and techniques in the simplest possible context. While the approach is meant to be didactical, one tries to be mathematically precise, and self-contained. Conformal field theory in two-dimensions is introduced from scratch, with the topics relevant to string theory discussed in detail. String Theory II covers the physics of the supersymmetric strings, from the perturbative regime to the non-perturbative one. The theory of supergravity and anomalies are reviewed from a geometric perspective. BPS objects and non-renormalization theorems are described from different viewpoints. Calabi-Yau compactifications are discussed in detail. The course covers also some advanced stuff such as the basic ideas of M- and F-theory, black hole entropy, and so on.
Lecturer Intro.
Sergio Cecotti graduated in physics at the University of Pisa in 1979 and has worked at the Harvard University, the University of Pisa, CERN, etc.. In 2014, he became a full professor at SISSA. He has published about 100 papers with total number of citations 7260. His h-index is 44.
2022-09-13 ~ 2022-12-06
Introduction to Tensor Network Algorithms 张量网络算法简介
Lecturer Song Cheng (Assistant Research Fellow)
Time 15:20 - 18:40, Tue
Venue 1129B
Online Zoom: 482 240 1589 PW:BIMSA
Level Graduate
Language Chinese
Record No
Prerequisite Quantum Mechanics
This course will focus on the basic concepts and representative algorithms of tensor networks. For 1D tensor networks, we will introduce the Matrix Product State(MPS) and its Density Matrix Renormalization Group algorithm(DMRG), Time Evolution Block Decimation algorithm(TEBD), etc. For high-dimensional tensor networks, we will include the Projected Entangled Pair States (PEPS) and its various Tensor Renormalization Group algorithms, as well as the Corner Transfer Matrix Renormalization Group algorithm, variational algorithms, etc. We will also involve some machine learning algorithms and quantum simulation algorithms based on tensor networks if time permits.
Lecturer Intro.
2022-11-15 ~ 2023-01-03
Modern Cryptography 现代密码学
Lecturer Jintai Ding (Research Fellow)
Time 18:40 - 20:55, Tue
Venue JCY-1
Level Graduate
Language Chinese
Record No
This will be on Tuesday night where we give an introduction class for the basics of modern cryptography including symmetric cryptography, public key cryptography and post-quantum cryptography.
Lecturer Intro.
Jintai Ding received a Ph.D. degree from Yale University and used to work as a professor of William Taft at the University of Cincinnati. Currently, he is a double-appointed professor at Yau Mathematical Sciences Center, Tsinghua University, and Yanqi Lake Beijing Institute of Mathematical Sciences and Applications (BIMSA). In the early days, he was engaged in the research of quantum affine algebra and representation theory, while his current research direction is post-quantum cryptography. Moreover, he has served as the co-chairman of the International Conference on Post-Quantum Cryptography for three times and is one of the prominent scholars of multivariate cryptography in the world.
2022-09-13 ~ 2022-10-27
Quiver Approaches to Machine Learning 机器学习的箭图方法
Lecturer William Donovan (Associate Professor)
Time 13:30 - 15:05, Tue,Thu
Venue 1110
Online Zoom: 928 682 9093 PW:BIMSA
Level Graduate
Language English
Record Yes
Prerequisite Some representation theory or algebraic geometry would be helpful.
Quiver representations are a useful tool in diverse areas of algebra and geometry. Recently, they have furthermore been used to describe and analyze neural networks. I will introduce quivers, their representations, and a range of applications, including to the theory of machine learning.
Lecturer Intro.
Will Donovan joined Yau MSC, Tsinghua U in 2018. Since 2021 he is an Associate Professor, and Adjunct Associate Professor at BIMSA. His focus is geometry, in particular applying ideas from physics and noncommutative algebra to study varieties, using tools of homological algebra and category theory. He studied at Cambridge U, completed his PhD at Imperial College London, and was postdoctoral researcher at Edinburgh U, UK. From 2014-18 he was research fellow at Kavli IPMU, U Tokyo, where he is now Visiting Associate Scientist. His work is published in journals including Communications in Mathematical Physics and Duke Mathematical Journal. He is supported by China Thousand Talents Plan, and received a Japan Society for Promotion of Science Young Scientist grant award.
2022-09-16 ~ 2022-11-25
Introduction to Quantum Computation 量子计算介绍
Lecturer Babak Haghighat (Associate Professor)
Time 10:40 - 12:15, Fri
Venue 1118
Online Zoom: 242 742 6089 PW:BIMSA
Level Graduate
Language English
Record Yes
Quantum Mechanics, Linear Algebra
In this course, I present a self-consistent review of fault-tolerant quantum computation using the surface code. The course covers everything required to understand topological fault-tolerant quantum computation, ranging from the definition of the surface code to topological quantum error correction and topological operations on the surface code. In the process, basic concepts and powerful tools, such as universal quantum computation, quantum algorithms, stabilizer formalism, and measurement-based quantum computation, are also introduced.
Lecturer Intro.
Associate Professor, research interests are string theory, quantum field theory and topological field theory.
2022-09-14 ~ 2022-12-09
Macro Economics 宏观经济学
Lecturer Liyan Han (Research Fellow)
Time 13:30 - 15:05, Wed,Fri
Venue 1110
Online Zoom: 928 682 9093 PW:BIMSA
Level Undergraduate
Language Chinese
Record Yes
Lecturer Intro.
Dr. Han Liyan, Research fellow at Beijing Yanqi Lake Institute of Applied Mathematics, Lab of Digital Economy. He once worked as a chief professor of economics in Beihang University for 20 years. He was awarded as Beijing Renowned Teacher, Distinguished Fellow in Chinese Quantitative Economics, and Special government allowances of the State Council. His doctorate research focused on fuzzy information and knowledge engineering in 1990s, and now his research interests focus on fintech, foreign exchange rate combined with monetary policy, and green finance as well.
2022-09-19 ~ 2022-12-12
Mathematical History Course: From a Geometric Perspective 数学史课程:从几何视角
Lecturer Lynn Heller (Research Fellow)
Time 19:20 - 20:55, Wed
Venue JCY-3
Online Zoom: 293 812 9202 PW:BIMSA
Level Undergraduate
Language English
Record No
In this course we look at the life and work of some of the most influential Mathematicians including David Hilbert, Felix Klein, Emmy Noether and Bernhard Riemann. The aim is twofold. On the one hand, we would like to introduce the historical figures and convey the flavor of how Mathematics were conducted at that time, on the other hand, I would also like to show how (in a possibly modern interpretation) their work continue to be influencial today. Along the way we will also be encountering some specifics of the German culture and in particular the different educational and academic system.
Lecturer Intro.
I was born in Wuhan and grew up in the little German town Göttingen, which was home to an extraordinary amount of great Mathematicians (and Nobel prize winners) including all the Mathematicians discussed in the course. I studied economics at the FU Berlin and Mathematics at TU Berlin from 2003-2007 and obtained my PhD from Eberhard Karls University Tübingen in 2012. Thereafter, I stayed in Tübingen as a Postdoc till I got a Juniorprofessorship in 2017 at the Leibniz University in Hannover.
2022-09-19 ~ 2022-12-12
Minimal Surfaces 极小曲面
Lecturer Sebastian Heller (Research Fellow)
Time 10:40 - 12:15, Mon,Wed
Venue JCY-3
Online Zoom: 293 812 9202 PW:BIMSA
Level Undergraduate
Language English
Record Yes
It is necessary to be familiar with the basic concepts of linear algebra and calculus. In order to be able to follow the course throughout, it is beneficial to have some basic knowledge about differential geometry or manifolds, and to be familiar with some complex analysis. However, it is also possible to make up for this within the course.
The investigation and construction of surfaces with special geometric properties has always been an important subject in differential geometry. Of particular interest are minimal surfaces and constant mean curvature (CMC) surfaces in space forms. Global properties surfaces were first considered by Hopf, showing that all CMC spheres are round. This result was generalized by Alexandrov [2] in the 1950s, who showed that the round spheres are the only embedded compact CMC surfaces in $\mathbb R^3$, while there do not exist any compact minimal surfaces in euclidean space and hyperbolic 3-space due to the maximum principle. In contrast, there are many compact and embedded minimal surfaces in the 3-sphere, the best known examples being the Clifford torus and the Lawson surfaces, in addition to the totally geodesic 2-sphere, and a full classification is beyond the current knowledge. One reason for the beauty and depth of minimal surface theory is that there are many different methods and tools with which to construct, study, and classify these surfaces. In this course we will first derive basic properties of minimal surfaces in $\mathbb R^3$ and introduce some general techniques, and then move on to CMC surfaces in $\mathbb R^3$ and minimal surfaces in $\mathbb S^3.$ We mainly use differential geometric and complex analytical methods in this course.
Lecturer Intro.
PhD in 2008, Humboldt Universitat Berlin, Germany Habilitation in 2014, Universitat Tubingen, Germany Researcher at Universities of Heidelberg, Hamburg, Hannover, 2014-2022 Research Fellow at Beijing Institute of Mathematical Sciences and Applications from September 2022 on Research interests: minimal surfaces, harmonic maps, Riemann surfaces, Higgs bundles, moduli spaces, visualisation and experimental mathematics
2022-09-13 ~ 2022-12-08
Introduction to Hochschild (co)homology Hochschild(上)同调简介
Lecturer Chuangqiang Hu (Assistant Research Fellow)
Time 13:30 - 15:05, Tue,Thu
Venue Sanya
Online Zoom: 242 742 6089 PW:BIMSA
Level Undergraduate
Language Chinese
Record Yes
Prerequisite homological algebra
This lecture explores Hochschild cohomology as a Gerstenhaber algebra in detail, the notions of smoothness and duality, algebraic deformation theory, infinity structures, and connections to the Hochschild-Kostant-Rosenberg decomposition. Useful homological algebra background is provided as well.
Lecturer Intro.
Hu chuangqiang joined Bimsa in the autumn of 2021. The main research fields include: coding theory, function field and number theory, singularity theory. In recent years, he has made a series of academic achievements in the research of quantum codes, algebraic geometric codes, Drinfeld modules, elliptic singular points, Yau Lie algebras and other studies. He has published 13 papers in famous academic journals such as IEEE Trans. on IT., Final Fields and their Applications, Designs, Codes and Cryptography. He has been invited to attend domestic and international academic conferences for many times and made conference reports.
TBA ~ 2022-12-09
Introduction to Homological Algebra 同调代数导论
Lecturer Sergei Ivanov (Research Fellow)
Time 10:40 - 12:15, Tue,Fri
Venue 1129B
Online Zoom: 482 240 1589 PW:BIMSA
Level Graduate
Language English
Record Yes
Basic theory of rings and modules, basic group theory, basic category theory
Such concepts as homology and cohomology of algebraic objects, spaces and varieties have become an integral part of modern mathematics. This course is dedicated to introducing this range of ideas from the side of algebra.
2022-09-13 ~ 2022-12-08
Graph algorithm 图算法
Lecturer Hanru Jiang (Assistant Research Fellow)
Time 15:20 - 16:55, Tue,Thu
Venue 1118
Online Zoom: 242 742 6089 PW:BIMSA
Level Graduate
Language Chinese
Record No
Prerequisite Discrete math.
In this course, we introduce basic concepts in graph theory and complexity theory, then study graph algorithms with a focus on matching and network flows.
Lecturer Intro.
蒋瀚如于2019年在中国科学技术大学取得计算机科学与技术博士学位,2019-2020年在鹏城实验室量子计算研究中心担任助理研究员,2020年加入BIMSA任助理研究员。他的主要研究方向为程序语言理论、编译器的形式化验证和量子计算中的程序语言问题。作为并发程序分离编译验证工作CASCompCert的主要完成人,获得程序语言领域顶级会议PLDI 2019的Distinguished Paper Award。
2022-09-16 ~ 2022-12-09
Introduction to Exceptional Geometry 例外几何介绍
Lecturer Kotaro Kawai (Associate Research Fellow)
Time 10:40 - 15:05, Fri
Venue 1120
Online Zoom: 518 868 7656 PW:BIMSA
Level Graduate
Language English
Record Yes
Prerequisite Linear algebra, basics of Riemmanian geometry
The classification of Riemannian manifolds with special holonomy contains two “exceptional” cases: G2 and Spin(7). Manifolds with holonomy contained in G2 or Spin(7) are called G2-manifolds or Spin(7)-manifolds, respectively. In this course, I will introduce various topics of G2 and Spin(7) geometry, mainly focusing on the G2 case. We start from the linear algebra in G2 geometry. Then we study topics such as the structure of a G2-manifold and calibrated geometry/ gauge theory/mirror symmetry on a G2-manifold.
Lecturer Intro.
Kotaro Kawai got a bachelor's degree and a master's degree from the university of Tokyo, and received his Ph.D from Tohoku university in 2013. He was an assistant professor at Gakushuin university in Japan, then he moved to BIMSA this year. Gakushuin University was established as an educational institution for the imperial family and peers, and even today, some members of the imperial family attend this university. There are many eminent professors and Kunihiko Kodaira worked at this university. He majors in differential geometry, focusing on manifolds with exceptional holonomy. These manifolds are considered to be analogues of Calabi-Yau manifolds, and higher dimensional analogues of gauge theory are expected on these manifolds. This topic is also related to physics, and he think that this is an exciting research field.
2022-09-14 ~ 2022-12-12
Comparison Theorems in Riemannian Geometry 黎曼几何中的比较定理
Lecturer Pengyu Le (Assistant Research Fellow)
Time 08:50 - 10:35, Mon,Wed
Venue 1129B
Online Zoom: 482 240 1589 PW:BIMSA
Level Graduate
Language Chinese
Record No
Prerequisite Multivariable Calculus, Ordinary Differential Equation, Basics of Riemannian Geometry (optional)
The course will cover various comparison theorems under different curvature conditions in Riemannian geometry.
2022-09-14 ~ 2022-12-12
Fibre Bundle Theory 纤维丛理论
Lecturer Jingyan Li (Assistant Research Fellow)
Time 13:30 - 15:05, Mon,Wed
Venue 1118
Online Zoom: 242 742 6089 PW:BIMSA
Level Graduate
Language Chinese
Record No
Prerequisite Simplicial complex theory and simplicial set theory.
The notion of fibre bundle first arose out of questions posed in the 1930s on the topology and geometry of manifolds. By the year 1950, the definition of fibre bundle had been clearly formulated, the homotopy classification of fibre bundles achieved, and the theory of characteristic classes of fibre bundles developed by several mathematicians: Chern, Pontrjagin, Stiefel, and Whitney. Fiber bundle theory is not only important in topology and differential geometry, but also is widely used in other branches of mathematics and physics. This course mainly introduces some basic concepts of fiber bundles and the application of fiber bundles in homology theory in comparison with the geometric level and the simple level.
Lecturer Intro.
Assistant Reserch fellow Jingyan Li received a PhD degree from the Department of Mathematics of Hebei Normal University in 2007. Before joining BIMSA in September 2021, she has taught in the Department of Mathematics and Physics of Shijiazhuang Railway University and the School of Mathematical Sciences of Hebei Normal University as an associate professor. Her research interests include topology data analysis and simplicial homology and homotopy.
2022-10-11 ~ 2022-12-29
Finance 金融学
Lecturer Zhen Li (Assistant Research Fellow)
Time 08:50 - 10:35, Tue,Thu
Venue 1110
Online Zoom: 928 682 9093 PW:BIMSA
Level Graduate
Language Chinese
Record No
Prerequisite Political economy, Macroeconomics, Microeconomics, Accounting, etc
Facing the complicated global economic and financial changes, this course applies the modern economics theory to tell the history of financial development in China, integrates the basic principles of finance and the financial practice of China, and rationally integrates micro-finance and macro-finance, forming a systematic and complete logical framework and knowledge system. It mainly includes five parts: currency, credit and finance; financial intermediary and financial market; monetary equilibrium and macro-policy; micro-mechanism of financial operation; financial development and stability mechanism. This course is intended for college students who need to understand and master financial knowledge systematically.
Lecturer Intro.
Dr. Zhen Li is an assistant research fellow at the BIMSA. He is also a visiting research fellow at the Chongyang Institute for Financial Studies, Renmin University of China, the International Monetary Institute, Renmin University of China, and the Alibaba Research Center for Rural Dynamics. He was a postdoctoral fellow from 2020-2022 at the School of Data Science, Fudan University, and an assistant research fellow from 2013-2016 at the Chongyang Institute for Financial Studies, Renmin University of China. Dr. Li received his Ph.D. in Finance, M.A. in Statistics, and B.A. in Finance from the Renmin University of China, and B.E. in Software Engineering from the Nanjing University. He was a visiting scholar from 2019-2020 at the School of Business, George Washington University. His current research focuses on FinTech, commercial banking, and financial risk management, and other fields. Dr. Li has published more than 30 articles in some important academic journals such as Journal of Financial Research, Statistical Research, China Economic Review , etc.
2022-09-15 ~ 2023-01-05
Special Topics in Cryptography 密码学专题
Lecturer Bei Liang (Assistant Research Fellow)
Time 18:40 - 20:55, Thu
Venue JCY-1
Level Graduate
Language Chinese
Record No
This class will be on Thursday night and we will cover advanced topics including Secure Multi-Party Computation, Fully Homomorphic Encryption, etc. It will also bring in speakers, including students and postdocs, to give lectures on their current research topics and results, and it encourages students to give presentations in any interesting topics they choose.
Lecturer Intro.
Dr. Bei Liang received Ph.D. in information security from the Institute of Information Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences. She was a postdoc researcher at Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden. Currently, she is an assistant researcher at the BIMSA. Her main research interest is theoretical cryptography. She has published more than 20 papers in international journals or conferences, and won the ISC2019 Best Paper Award and the ProvSec2015 Best Student Paper Award. She participated in two National Key Research and Development Programs and undertook one Beijing Natural Science Foundation.
2022-09-16 ~ 2023-01-06
Quantitative Risk Management 量化风险管理
Lecturer Qingfu Liu (Professor)
Time 09:50 - 12:15, Fri
Venue 1110
Online Zoom: 928 682 9093 PW:BIMSA
Level Graduate
Language Chinese
Record No
Lecturer Intro.
Qingfu Liu, the professor and doctoral supervisor at School of Economics, Fudan University, was awarded as Shanghai Pujiang Scholar. Prof. Liu obtained a doctorate in management science and engineering from Southeast University, was a postdoctoral fellow at Fudan University, and also a visiting scholar at Stanford University. Prof. Liu is now the executive dean of Fudan-Stanford Institute for China Financial Technology and Risk Analytics, the academic vice dean of Fudan-Zhongzhi Institute for Big Data Finance and Investment, and the vice dean of Shanghai Big Data Joint Innovation Lab. Prof. Liu's research interests mainly include financial derivatives, big data finance, quantitative investment, RegTech, green finance and non-performing asset disposal. He has published more than 80 papers in the Journal of economics, Journal of International Money and Finance, Journal of Management Sciences in China and other important journals at home and abroad, published three monographs, and presided over more than 20 national and provincial research projects. He is currently an associate editor at Digital Finance and an editor at World Economic Papers.
2022-10-10 ~ 2022-12-26
An Introduction to Ergodic Theory 遍历理论导论
Lecturer Sixu Liu (Assistant Research Fellow)
Time 15:20 - 18:40, Mon
Venue 1110
Online Zoom: 928 682 9093 PW:BIMSA
Level Graduate
Language Chinese
Record Yes
Prerequisite basic knowledge of measure theory, stochastic process, functional analysis and topology
We will introduce basis knowledge of ergodic theory, and its relationship with dynamical systems. This course includes topics on measure-preserving transformation, entropy and topological entropy.
Lecturer Intro.
2022-09-14 ~ 2022-12-23
Introduction to Prismatic cohomology 棱镜上同调导论
Lecturer Yong Suk Moon (Assistant Research Fellow)
Time 13:30 - 15:05, Wed,Fri
Venue 1129B
Online Zoom: 482 240 1589 PW:BIMSA
Level Graduate
Language English
Record No
Prerequisite Algebraic geometry (background in algebraic number theory will be helpful)
Prismatic cohomology, which is developed in a recent work of Bhatt-Scholze, is a cohomology theory for schemes over p-adic rings. It is considered to be an overarching cohomology theory in p-adic geometry, unifying etale, de Rham, and crystalline cohomology. Due to wide-ranging applications in p-adic Hodge theory and p-adic Galois representations, it is one of the central topics of active research. In this course, we will start by going over motivational background in p-adic cohomology theories, and then give a rough overview of main ideas and results in the paper "Prisms and prismatic cohomology" by Bhatt-Scholze. If time permits, we will also briefly discuss how the prismatic theory may reveal a deeper understanding of p-adic Galois representations.
Lecturer Intro.
Yong Suk Moon joined BIMSA in 2022 fall as an assistant research fellow. His research area is number theory and arithmetic geometry. More specifically, his current research focuses on p-adic Hodge theory, Fontaine-Mazur conjecture, and p-adic Langlands program. He completed his Ph.D at Harvard University in 2016, and was a Golomb visiting assistant professor at Purdue University (2016-19) and a postdoctoral researcher at University of Arizona (2019 - 22).
2022-09-13 ~ 2022-12-12
On Fusion Categories III 融合范畴 III
Lecturer Sebastien Palcoux (Assistant Research Fellow)
Time 15:20 - 16:55, Mon,Tue
Venue 1120
Online Zoom: 518 868 7656 PW:BIMSA
Level Undergraduate
Language English
Record Yes
Prerequisite Category theory
This is the sequel of the course "On Fusion Categories II" given last semester.It introduces to the notion fusion category, which can be seen as a representation theory of the (finite) quantum symmetries. The notes and videos of the first and second parts are available at: Part I: http://www.bimsa.cn/newsinfo/526244.html Part II: https://www.bimsa.cn/newsinfo/601271.html
Lecturer Intro.
2010年于 Institut de Mathématiques de Marseille (I2M)取得数学博士学位 2014-2016 于 Institute of Mathematical Sciences (IMSc)任博士后 2020-至今于北京雁栖湖应用数学研究院任助理研究员 主要研究兴趣:量子代数,量子对称,子因子平面代数和融合范畴。在Advances in Mathematics, Quantum Topology等多个杂志上发表学术论文。
2022-10-12 ~ 2023-01-06
Markov chains 马尔可夫链
Lecturer Yuval Peres (Research Fellow)
Time 15:20 - 16:55, Wed,Fri
Venue 1129B
Online Zoom: 482 240 1589 PW:BIMSA
Level Graduate
Language English
Record Yes
Undergraduate Probability and Linear Algebra, some measure theoretic probability: Conditional expectation, Laws of large numbers. The first chapter of Durrett’s graduate text or taking the course “Probability 1” given by Prof. Hao Wu at Tsinghua will provide ample background. That course can be taken in parallel with this course. The textbook for the course is “Markov chains and mixing times”, second edition, PDF is available from https://www.yuval-peres-books.com/markov-chains-and-mixing-times/ In the last part of the course, we will see new material that is not in that book, and explore open problems and directions of current research.
Background: The modern theory of Markov chain mixing is the result of the convergence, in the 1980's and 1990's, of several threads: For statistical physicists, Markov chains become useful in Monte Carlo simulation The mixing time determines the running time for simulation. Deep connections were found between rapid mixing and spatial properties of spin systems. In theoretical computer science, Markov chains play a key role in sampling and approximate counting algorithms. At the same time, mathematicians were intensively studying random walks on groups. Both spectral methods and probabilistic techniques, such as coupling, played important roles. Ingenious constructions of expander graphs (on which random walks mix especially fast) were found. The connection between eigenvalues and expansion properties was first discovered in differential geometry, but then became central to the study of Markov chain mixing.
Lecturer Intro.
Yuval Peres obtained his PhD in 1990 from the Hebrew University, Jerusalem. He was a postdoctoral fellow at Stanford and Yale, and was then a Professor of Mathematics and Statistics in Jerusalem and in Berkeley. Later, he was a Principal researcher at Microsoft. Yuval has published more than 350 papers in most areas of probability theory, including random walks, Brownian motion, percolation, and random graphs. He has co-authored books on Markov chains, probability on graphs, game theory and Brownian motion, which can be found at https://www.yuval-peres-books.com/ . His presentations are available at https://yuval-peres-presentations.com/ Dr. Peres is a recipient of the Rollo Davidson prize and the Loeve prize. He has mentored 21 PhD students including Elchanan Mossel (MIT, AMS fellow), Jian Ding (PKU, ICCM gold medal and Rollo Davidson prize), Balint Virag and Gabor Pete (Rollo Davidson prize). Dr. Peres was an invited speaker at the 2002 International Congress of Mathematicians in Beijing, at the 2008 European congress of Math, and at the 2017 Math Congress of the Americas. In 2016, he was elected to the US National Academy of Science.
2022-09-19 ~ 2022-12-12
Geometric Numerical Methods for Dynamical Systems II 动力系统几何数值算法 II
Lecturer Zaijiu Shang (Professor)
Time 09:50 - 12:15, Mon
Venue 1118
Online Zoom: 242 742 6089 PW:BIMSA
Level Graduate
Language Chinese
Record Yes
This course is a continuation of last semester and will cover the following topics: 1) Normal forms of Hamiltonian systems and bifurcation theory; 2) Averaging methods of classical perturbation theory; 3) KAM stability of Hamiltonian systems; 4) Effective stability of nearly integrable systems; 5) Numerical stability of symplectic geometric methods.
Lecturer Intro.
Zaijiu Shang is a Professor of the Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences, and a Post Teacher at the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences (2015-). He was the deputy director (2003-2011) and the director (2012-2016) of the Institute of Mathematics, Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences. He has been served as a member of editorial boards of Acta Math. Appl. Sinica (2007-), Acta Math. Sinica (2009-), Science China: Mathematics (2013-), and Applied Mathematics (HUST 2013-). He is working in the fields of dynamical systems and geometrical numerical methods. He won the second prize in “the Science and Technology Progress Award of the State Education Commission (1993)”. He was one of the core members of the project “Symplectic Geometric Algorithms of Hamiltonian Systems” which won the first prize of the National Natural Science Awards (Kang Feng etc., 1997), and his representative achievements include stability theory of symplectic algorithms and volume-preserving algorithms for source-free systems.
2022-06-08 ~ 2022-12-09
Derived Algebraic/Differential Geometry 导出代数和微分几何
Lecturer Artan Sheshmani (Research Fellow)
Time 08:50 - 10:35, Wed,Fri
Venue Online
Online Zoom: 518 868 7656 PW:BIMSA
Level Graduate
Language English
Record Yes
Prerequisite Commutative Algebra (Atiyah McDonald or Rottman), Algebraic Geometry (Hartshorne or Grothendieck’s EGA/SGA)
Derived Algebraic Geometry is a machinery regarded as an extension of algebraic geometry, whose goal is to study exotic geometric settings and situations that might occur in algebraic geometry where algebraic geometry might not be able to rigorously study. Take for instance the example of intersection of two subvarieties, X, Y, in a fixed ambient smooth algebraic variety Z. We have the notion of "nice intersection" (or generic intersection) of X and Y in Z, which is equivalent to transverse intersection of the X and Y. In this case the span of the tangent space generated by tangent spaces of X and Y is equal to the tangent space of Z and their locus of intersection X∩Y will be of expected dimension. Now take for instance a “bad intersection” of X and Y, that is non-generic or non-transverse intersection of X and Y in Z. The latter situation might occur if X and Y intersect over points or loci with higher multiplicities or when their locus of intersection is not of expected dimension. Certainly such situation has been addressed in algebraic geometry, using cohomology theory, that is, one realizes the locus of intersection, X∩Y, as a cohomology class in the ambient cohomology theory of Z (for instance an element in de Rham cohomology of Z, or in complex cobordism ring of Z, or an element of the K-theory in the intersection ring of Z) and studies the intersection of X and Y cohomologically. The drawback of this approach is that X ∩Y is realized only as a cohomology class and not as a geometric object any more. The Derived Algebraic Geometry allows one to construct a geometric object associated to the non-generic locus of intersection of X and Y, which is called the “Derived Scheme”. It is roughly speaking the homotipical perturbation of the naive locus of intersection of X and Y, and contains the data of higher multiplicity components of X∩Y or components with defects of expected dimension. The machinery of homotopy theory in derived algebraic geometry enables one to identify the points in derived intersection of X and Y as points which lie in X and Y respectively, together with certain continuous homotopy maps between them (as opposed to generic intersection of X and Y where points in X∩Y are given by points which lie both in X and Y simultaneously). Similarly taking “bad” quotients of algebraic schemes/varieties by non-proper or non-free actions is yet another example which can be modeled geometrically and rigorously by derived algebraic geometry. In usual setting the points in quotient of a variety X by the action of a free proper group G are the ones that lie in the orbit space of elements of G. However in instances where the group G is acting non-freely on X, the derived algebraic geometry enables one to realize the points in the "bad quotient" as points which lie in the orbit of elements of G up to homotopy, that is two points, a and b, lie in the orbit of an element of G if they are related to each other by a homotopy path or a path with homotopical structure in that orbit. The course sets foundations to such theory of derived schemes, and follows by discussing the derived moduli spaces, and specially the derived structure of the moduli spaces of coherent sheaves, and some applications of derived geometry in enumerative geometry (specially the Donaldson-Thomas theory) of Calabi-Yau 3 folds and 4 folds will be discussed at the end.
Lecturer Intro.
I am a Professor of pure Mathematics, specialized in Algebraic geometry, Differential Geometry and Mathematics of String Theory. I am a Full Research Fellow (equivalent to Full Professor in the US and Europe) at Yanqi Lake Beijing Institute of Mathematical Sciences and Applications in Beijing, as well as a senior member at Harvard University CMSA, and a visiting professor at Institute for the Mathematical Sciences of the Americas at University of Miami. During the past 5 years I have been a senior personnel at Simons Collaboration Program for Homological Mirror Symmetry at Harvard University Center for Mathematical Sciences and Applications (CMSA), as well as Harvard Physics department (2020-2021), and an Associate Professor of Mathematics at Institut for Mathematik and Center for Quantum Geometry of Moduli Spaces at Aarhus University in Denmark. My work is mainly focused on Gromov Witten theory, Donaldson Thomas theory, Calabi-Yau geometries, and mathematical aspects of String theory. I study geometry of moduli spaces of sheaves and curves on Calabi Yau spaces, some of which arise in the study of mathematics of string theory. In my research I have worked on understanding dualities between geometry of such moduli spaces over complex varieties of dimension 2,3,4 and currently I am working on extension of these projects from derived geometry and geometric representation theory point of view. In joint work with Shing-Tung Yau (BIMSA, YMSC, Tsinghua, Harvard Math, Harvard CMSA, and Harvard Physics departments), Cody Long (Harvard Physics), and Cumrun Vafa (Harvard Math and Physics departments) I worked on geometry moduli spaces of sheaves with non-homolomorphic support and their associated non-BPS (non-holomorphic) counting invariants. In 2019 I recieved IRFD "Research Leader" grant (approx $1M) on my project "Embedded surfaces, dualities and quantum number theory". The project has additionally been co-financed by Harvard University CMSA (Approx total. $400K). Detail of IRFD "Research Leader" grant ($1M). --The grant has recently been extended until 2027!
2022-09-14 ~ 2022-12-12
First Steps of Statistical Learning 统计学习初步
Lecturer Congwei Song (Assistant Research Fellow)
Time 17:05 - 18:40, Mon,Wed
Venue 1118
Online Zoom: 242 742 6089 PW:BIMSA
Level Graduate
Language Chinese
Record Yes
Prerequisite 线性代数、实分析、概率论、统计学
Lecturer Intro.
Congwei Song received the master degree in applied mathematics from the Institute of Science in Zhejiang University of Technology, and the Ph.D. degree in basic mathematics from the Department of Mathematics, Zhejiang University, worked in Zhijiang College of Zhejiang University of Technology as an assistant from 2014 to 2021, from 2021 on, worked in BIMSA as asistant researcher. His research interests include machine learning, as well as wavelet analysis and harmonic analysis.
2022-09-23 ~ 2022-12-30
Graph Theory 图论
Lecturer Benjamin Sudakov (Professor)
Time 15:20 - 17:20, Thu
Venue Online
Online Zoom: 482 240 1589 PW:BIMSA
Level Graduate
Language English
Record Yes
The goal of this course is to give students an overview over the most fundamental concepts and results in modern graph theory. The topics which we plan to cover include: Basic notions: graphs, graph isomorphism, adjacency matrix, paths, cycles, connectivity Trees, spanning trees, Cayley's formula, Vertex and edge connectivity, 2-connectivity, Mader's theorem, Menger's theorem Eulerian graphs, Hamilton cycle, Dirac's theorem Matchings, Hall's theorem, Kőnig's theorem, Tutte's condition Planar graphs, Euler's formula, basic non-planar graphs, platonic solids Graph colourings, greedy colourings, Brooks' theorem, 5-colourings of planar graphs, Gallai-Roy theorem Large girth and large chromatic number, edge colourings, Vizing's theorem, list colourings Matrix-tree theorem, Cauchy-Binet formula Hamiltonicity: Chvátal-Erdős theorem, Pósa's lemma, tournaments Ramsey theory Turán's theorem, Kővári-Sós-Turán theorem
Lecturer Intro.
Benny Sudakov received his PhD from Tel Aviv University in 1999. He had appointments in Princeton University, the Institute for Advanced Studies and in University of California at Los Angeles. Sudakov is currently professor of mathematics in ETH, Zurich. He is the recipient of a Sloan Fellowship, NSF CAREER Award, Humboldt Research Award, is Fellow of the American Math. Society and was invited speaker at the 2010 International Congress of Mathematicians. He authored more than 300 scientific publications and is on the editorial board of 14 research journals. His main scientific interests are combinatorics and its applications to other areas of mathematics and computer science.
2022-10-12 ~ 2023-01-02
Interacting Particle Systems and Their Large Scale Behavior 相互作用粒子系统及其大尺度行为
Lecturer Funaki Tadahisa (Research Fellow)
Time 08:50 - 10:35, Mon,Wed
Venue 1110
Online Zoom: 928 682 9093 PW:BIMSA
Level Graduate
Language English
Record Yes
It is desirable that the audience is familiar with Modern Probability Theory and some tools in Stochastic Analysis such as martingales and stochastic differential equations. But I will try to briefly explain these in my course. For example, Parts I and II of my course given at Yau Mathematical Sciences Center from March to June, 2022 fit to this purpose; see slides of Lect-1 to Lect-20 posted on the web page of YMSC.
I explain our recent results on the derivation of interface motion such as motion by mean curvature or free boundary problem from particle systems in some details. The core of these results was presented in my talk at vICM2022 [5], [6].
Lecturer Intro.
Funaki Tadahisa was a professor at University of Tokyo and then at Waseda University in Japan. His research subject is probability theory mostly related to statistical physics, specifically interacting systems and stochastic PDEs, whose importance increases as several Fields medals are given to this area.
2022-10-27 ~ 2022-12-27
Logic and Computation I 逻辑和计算 I
Lecturer Kazuyuki Tanaka (Research Fellow)
Time 10:40 - 12:15, Tue,Thu
Venue 1110
Online Zoom: 928 682 9093 PW:BIMSA
Level Graduate
Language English
Record Yes
Completion of undergraduate course on logic, set theory or automata theory is recommended. But all interested students are welcome.
This is an advanced undergraduate and graduate-level course in mathematical logic and theory of computation. Topics to be presented in the first semester include: computable functions, undecidability, propositional logic, NP-completeness, first-order logic, Goedel's completeness theorem, Ehrenfeucht-Fraisse games, Presburger arithmetic.
In the second semester, we will move on to Goedel's incompleteness theorems, second-order logic, infinite automata, determinacy of infinite games, etc.
Lecturer Intro.
Kazuyuki Tanaka received his Ph.D. from U.C. Berkeley. Before joining BIMSA in 2022, he taught at Tokyo Inst. Tech and Tohoku University, and supervised fifteen Ph.D. students. He is most known for his works on second-order arithmetic and reverse mathematics, e.g., Tanaka's embedding theorem for WKLo and the Tanaka formulas for conservation results. For more details: https://sendailogic.com/tanaka/
2022-09-14 ~ 2023-01-04
Financial Engineering and Derivatives Markets 金融工程与衍生品市场
Lecturer Ke Tang (Professor)
Time 09:50 - 12:15, Wed
Venue 1118
Online Zoom: 242 742 6089 PW:BIMSA
Level Graduate
Language Chinese
Record No
Prerequisite Probability theory
Lecturer Intro.
Ke Tang is a professor and director of the Institute of economics, School of Social Sciences, Tsinghua University. His main research includes commodity market (including digital assets), financial technology and digital economy. He has published many papers on top English journals such as Journal of Finance, Review of Financial Studies, Management Science, and currently serves as an executive editor of Quantitative Finance, and an associate editor of Journal of Commodity Markets. His research has been reported by the CFTC, the United Nations Commodity Report etc. He is in the Elsevier highly cited scholar list of China in 2020 and 2021.
2022-09-13 ~ 2022-12-12
Topics on KZ equations and KZB equations KZ方程和KZB方程选题
Lecturer Xinxing Tang (Assistant Research Fellow)
Time 13:30 - 15:05, Mon,Tue
Venue 1120
Online Zoom: 518 868 7656 PW:BIMSA
Level Graduate
Language Chinese
Record No
representation theory of simple Lie algebra, basic knowledge of differential geometry and algebraic topology
We continue the related topics of KZ equations in the last semseter, including the various invariants, the Gaudin model and the Bethe Ansatz. Then we switch to the genus 1 case, and talk about the corresponding results of KZB equations. We try to collect and discuss the well-known results and recent developments.
Lecturer Intro.
2009-2013 四川大学数学学院基础数学 本科 2013-2018 北京大学北京国际数学研究中心 博士 2018-2021 清华大学丘成桐数学科学中心 博士后 2021- 北京怀柔应用数学研究院 助理研究员 研究兴趣:1. 可积系统,特别是GW理论、LG理论中出现的无穷维可积系统,兴趣在于理解其中的无穷个对称性的代数结构和相关计算。2. 其他兴趣:mixed Hodge structure,quantum group and KZ equation, W-algebra and W-symmetry, augmentation representation
2022-09-14 ~ 2022-12-09
Post-Quantum Cryptography II 后量子密码 II
Lecturer Chengdong Tao (Assistant Research Fellow)
Time 15:20 - 16:55, Wed,Fri
Venue 1110
Online Zoom: 928 682 9093 PW:BIMSA
Level Graduate
Language Chinese
Record No
Prerequisite Mordern Cryptography, Coding Theory, C Programming Language
The most widely used nowadays are the number theoretical based cryptosystems such as RSA, DSA, and ECC. However, due to Peter Shor's Algorithm, such cryptosystems would become insecure if a large Quantum computer is built. We need to develop a new family of cryptosystems that can resist quantum computers attacks. Researchers usually use Post-Quantum Cryptography (PQC) to denote this new family. In the course, we will talk about Post-Quantum Cryptography.
Lecturer Intro.
Dr. Chengdong Tao got his Ph.D from South China University of Technology in 2015. Then he became an engineer at Shenzhen Huawei Technology Co., Ltd., and Executive Director and General Manager at Guangzhou Liangjian Technology Co., Ltd.. From 2020, he has been an Assistant Research Fellow of Yanqi Lake Beijing Institute of Mathematical Sciences and Applications. Research Interests include Computational Algebra, Post-quantum Cryptography, Fast Implementation.
2022-09-14 ~ 2022-12-12
Constructions in Hyperkahler Geometry 超Kaehler几何的构造
Lecturer Arnav Tripathy (Assistant Research Fellow)
Time 15:20 - 16:55, Mon,Wed
Venue 1118
Online Zoom: 242 742 6089 PW:BIMSA
Level Graduate
Language English
Record Yes
Prerequisite Differential geometry, basic complex analysis.
Hyperkahler manifolds form an extremely symmetric class of manifolds of great importance throughout mathematics and physics. I'll introduce their basic properties before indicating many examples of known constructions. Finally, I hope to detail Gaiotto-Moore-Neitzke's conjectural description of Hitchin moduli spaces.
Lecturer Intro.
Dr. Tripathy is a researcher interested in the geometry of string theories and supersymmetric field theories.
2022-09-20 ~ 2022-12-15
Quantum Groups 量子群
Lecturer Bart Vlaar (Associate Research Fellow)
Time 15:20 - 16:55, Tue,Thu
Venue 1110
Online Zoom: 928 682 9093 PW:BIMSA
Level Graduate
Language English
Record Yes
Lecturer Intro.
Dr. Bart Vlaar has joined BIMSA in September 2022 as an Associate Research Fellow. His research interests are in algebra and representation theory and applications in mathematical physics. He obtained a PhD in Mathematics from the University of Glasgow. Previously, he has held postdoctoral positions in Amsterdam, Nottingham, York and Heriot-Watt University. Before coming to BIMSA he visited the Max Planck Institute of Mathematics in Bonn.Dr. Bart Vlaar has joined BIMSA in September 2022 as an Associate Research Fellow. His research interests are in algebra and representation theory and applications in mathematical physics. He obtained a PhD in Mathematics from the University of Glasgow. Previously, he has held postdoctoral positions in Amsterdam, Nottingham, York and Heriot-Watt University. Before coming to BIMSA he visited the Max Planck Institute of Mathematics in Bonn.
2022-10-10 ~ 2022-12-28
Introduction to Bordism 配边理论介绍
Lecturer Zheyan Wan (Assistant Research Fellow)
Time 10:40 - 12:15, Mon,Wed
Venue 1129B
Online Zoom: 482 240 1589 PW:BIMSA
Level Graduate
Language Chinese
Record Yes
Prerequisite basic algebraic topology
The first half covers some classical topics in bordism, including spectra and Pontryagin-Thom isomorphism. The second half covers the computation of bordism groups using the Adams spectral sequence.
Lecturer Intro.
2022-09-13 ~ 2022-12-06
Hopf Algebras and Tensor Categories Hopf代数与张量范畴
Lecturer Yilong Wang (Assistant Research Fellow)
Time 08:50 - 12:15, Tue
Venue 1120
Online Zoom: 518 868 7656 PW:BIMSA
Level Graduate
Language Chinese
Record No
Prerequisite Graduate level algebra.
In this course, we give a brief introduction to Hopf algebras and their representation categories. We will then generalize such categories and study the abstract theory of tensor categories.
Lecturer Intro.
Yilong Wang graduated from The Ohio State University in 2018. After working in Louisiana State University as a postdoc researcher, he joined BIMSA as an assistant research fellow in 2021. His research interests include modular tensor categories and topological quantum field theories.
2022-09-13 ~ 2022-12-08
Introduction to Quantum Information and Computation II 量子信息和量子计算介绍--下
Lecturer Yu Wang (Assistant Research Fellow)
Time 08:50 - 10:35, Tue,Thu
Venue Sanya
Online Zoom: 482 240 1589 PW:BIMSA
Level Graduate
Language Chinese
Record No
Advanced algebra, complex analysis, functional analysis, probability theory, quantum mechanics
In this semester, we will introduce how to represent and transmit information by quantum states. We will also introduce how to characterize the process with quantum channel in open quantum system. Several special quantum noise channel will be discussed and the some error correction methods will be given. Then we will discuss the measure of the information similarity of two quantum states. We will also introduce the differences of quantum and classical entropy, and related study. Finally, we will introduce some research directions in quantum information.
Lecturer Intro.
Yu Wang received his PhD degree in computer software and theory from the Academy of Mathematics and Systems Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2019. After graduation, he worked at Pengcheng Laboratory in Shenzhen. In December 2020, he joined the Yanqi Lake Beijing Institute of Mathematical Science and Applications. The main research area is about quantum information and quantum computation. Specifically, the current research is focuses on quantum state tomography, in order to optimize the measurement and computation resouce to read out the unknown quantum states. Besides, it is also studied to design new quantum communication protocols by different quantum walk models.
2022-09-15 ~ 2022-12-08
Topological Approaches for Data Science I 数据科学中的拓扑方法 I
Lecturer Jie Wu (Research Fellow)
Time 13:30 - 16:55, Thu
Venue 1120
Online Zoom: 518 868 7656 PW:BIMSA
Level Graduate
Language Chinese
Record Yes
Prerequisite Algebraic Topology
Topological data analysis is a new-born research area that explores topological approaches in data science, where persistent homology has been proved as an effective mathematical tool in data analytics with various successful applications. This course will discuss the mathematical foundations of (higher) topological structures on graphs, aiming to explore new topological approaches beyond the classical persistent homology.
Lecturer Intro.
Jie Wu received a Ph.D. degree in Mathematics from the University of Rochester and worked as a postdoc at Mathematical Sciences Research Institute (MSRI), University of California, Berkeley. He was a former tenured professor at the Department of Mathematics, National University of Singapore. In December 2021, he joined the Yanqi Lake Beijing Institute of Mathematical Sciences and Applications (BIMSA). His research interests are algebraic topology and applied topology. The main achievements in algebraic topology are to establish the fundamental relations between homotopy groups and the theory of braids, and the fundamental relations between loop spaces and modular representation theory of symmetric groups. In terms of applied topology, he has obtained various important results on topological approaches to data science. He has published more than 90 academic papers in top mathematics journals such as “the Journal of American Mathematical Society”, “Advances in Mathematics”, etc. In 2007, he won“the Singapore National Science Award”. In 2014, his project was funded by the “Overseas Joint Fund of National Natural Science Foundation” (Jieqing B).
2022-09-15 ~ 2022-12-08
Quantum Fourier Analysis II 量子傅里叶分析 II
Lecturer Jinsong Wu (Research Fellow)
Time 13:30 - 16:55, Thu
Venue JCY-1
Level Graduate
Language Chinese
Record No
Prerequisite Functional Analysis
We will continue talking about quantum Fourier analysis on many finite dimensional quantum symmetries such as fusion rings, fusion categories, subfactors, planar algebras and their connections. Many applications are also involved.
Lecturer Intro.
Jinsong Wu, a research fellow at the Yanqi Lake Beijing Institute of Mathematical Sciences and Applications. He obtained Ph. D. from Academy of Mathematics and Systems Sciences, CAS. He is interested in Functional Analysis, Operator Algebra and their applications in Quantum Information. He together with his collaborators initiate Quantum Fourier analysis for quantum symmetries. The subject provides mathematical tool for quantum information. He was PI for grants from NSFC and his work was published in top journals such as PNAS, Adv Math, Comm Math Phys, J Func Anal, Sci China Math.
2022-09-14 ~ 2022-12-09
Algorithms in Natural Language Processing 自然语言处理的算法分析
Lecturer Haihua Xie (Assistant Research Fellow)
Time 17:05 - 18:40, Wed,Fri
Venue 1110
Online Zoom: 928 682 9093 PW:BIMSA
Level Graduate
Language Chinese
Record Yes
Prerequisite Computer Science, Machine Learning, Python
Natural Language Processing (NLP) is an important research area in Artificial Intelligence. NLP mainly studys how to use computer technology to process linguistic texts. The specific research problems in NLP includes recognition, classification, extraction, transformation and generation of lexical, syntactic, semantic and pragmatic information. This course will introduce the basic concepts and methods in NLP, as well as some classical algorithms and models.
Lecturer Intro.
Dr. Haihua Xie receives a Ph.D. in Computer Science at Iowa State University in 2015. Before joining BIMSA in Oct. 2021, Dr. Xie worked in the State Key Lab of Digital Publishing Technology for many years. His research interests include Natural Language Processing and Knowledge Service. He published more than 20 papers and obtained 5 invention patents. In 2018, Dr. Xie was selected in the 13th batch of overseas high-level talents in Beijing and was hornored as a "Beijing Distinguished Expert".
2022-09-13 ~ 2022-12-06
Statistical Theory 统计理论
Lecturer (female) Fan Yang (Research Fellow)
Time 09:50 - 11:25, Mon,Tue
Venue JCY-1
Level Graduate
Language Chinese
Record No
2022-09-14 ~ 2022-12-09
Topics in Random Matrix Theory 随机矩阵理论选题
Lecturer (male) Fan Yang (Associate Research Fellow)
Time 13:30 - 15:05, Wed,Fri
Venue JCY-3
Online Tencent: 615 0642 7295 PW:
Level Graduate
Language Chinese
Record Yes
Lecturer Intro.
Fan Yang is an Associate Professor of YMSC at Tsinghua University and an Associate Research Fellow at BIMSA. Prior to joining YMSC and BIMSA, he was a postdoctoral researcher with the Department of Statistics and Data Science at the University of Pennsylvania from 2019 to 2022. He received the Ph.D. degree in mathematics from the University of California, Los Angeles in 2019, the Ph.D. degree in physics from the Chinese University of Hong Kong in 2014, and the Bachelor degree from Tsinghua University in 2009. His research interests include probability and statistics, with a focus on random matrix theory and its applications to mathematical physics, high-dimensional statistics, and machine learning. He has published multiple papers in leading journals in mathematics and statistics, including Communications in Mathematical Physics, Probability Theory and Related Fields, Annals of Statistics, and IEEE Transactions on Information Theory.
2022-09-15 ~ 2023-01-05
Steenrod Operations: From Classical to Motivic 斯廷罗德运算:从经典到原相
Lecturer Nanjun Yang (Assistant Research Fellow)
Time 09:50 - 12:15, Thu
Venue 1120
Online Zoom: 518 868 7656 PW:BIMSA
Level Graduate
Language Chinese
Record No
Algebraic topology and algebraic geometry
Steenrod operations are natural transformations of cohomology groups of spaces being compatible with suspensions, which play an important role especially in homotopy theory, for example, the Hopf invariant one problem and Adams spectral sequence. In this course, we introduce the Steenrod operations for both singular cohomologies and motivic cohomologies, focusing on constructions and basic properties. In particular, we prove the Adem relations and give the Hopf algebra (algebroid) structure of Steenrod algebra and its dual.
Lecturer Intro.
Nanjun Yang got my doctor and master degree in University of Grenoble-Alpes, advised by Jean Fasel, and bachelor degree in Beihang University. Currently he is a assistant researcher in BIMSA. His research interests are motivic cohomology and Chow-Witt ring. He proposed the theory of split Milnor-Witt motives, which applies to the computation of the Chow-Witt ring of fiber bundles. The corresponding results have been published independently on journals such as Camb. J. Math and Doc. Math.
2022-09-15 ~ 2022-12-08
The Application of Machine Learning Methods to the Solution of Partial Differential Equations II
求解微分方程的机器学习方法 II
Lecturer Xiaoming Zhang (Research Fellow)
Time 09:50 - 12:15, Thu
Venue 1118
Online Zoom: 242 742 6089 PW:BIMSA
Level Undergraduate
Language Chinese
Record No
Prerequisite Basic knowledge on numerical methods for partial differential equations and machine learning methods
This course reviews the publications of the recent years on using machine learning methods to solve partial differential equations, such as Physics Informed Neural Network (PINN). The course will cover the materials on forward method, inverse method, reduced order modeling, and the assimilation of observational data to the scientific principles.
Lecturer Intro.
Dr. Zhang Xiaoming, a native of Zhejiang province, is a national specially-appointed expert. He received his bachelor's, master's, and doctor's degrees from Zhejiang University, Peking University, and Massachusetts Institute of technology. At present, he is an industrial and application researcher of Beijing Institute of Mathematical Sciences and Applications and the head of the artificial intelligence and big data team. Before returning to China, Dr. Zhang served as a technology executive of several well-known American enterprises. After returning to China, he served as director of the Textile Industry Big Data Center of Zhejiang China Light Textile City Group Co., Ltd., researcher of Data Science Research Institute of Tsinghua University, visiting professor of East China Normal University, and part-time professor of Zhejiang University of Technology. As a Principal Investigator, he has won and presided over 20 research projects funded and awarded by the governments and major corporations. He has published more than 30 papers in international professional journals, of which two have been published in Nature subsidiary journals. He led his group won the first place in the Micro Array Quality Control (MAQC) competition hosted by the US Food and Drug Administration, twice the first places in the Alibaba Qianlima Industrial Big Data Competition, the second place and the third place in the First and Second China Industrial Internet Competitions respectively. Dr. Zhang led the development of the digital and intelligent service platform "Printing and Dyeing Brain", and is known as the "Godfather of intelligent printing and dyeing" in the industry. Dr. Zhang has been engaged in the research, development and application of artificial intelligence methods to the prediction and resource optimization and allocation for a long time. At present, his work focuses on the research and development of digital twins and process twins in the industrial field, which are used to optimize the process flow, help enterprises improve the yield and production efficiency, reduce energy consumption and pollution, improve product grade and increase their core competitiveness.
2022-09-14 ~ 2022-12-07
Computational Discrete Global Geometric Structures 可计算离散整体几何结构
Lecturer Hui Zhao (Assistant Research Fellow)
Time 13:30 - 16:55, Wed
Venue 1120
Level Graduate & Undergraduate
Language Chinese
Record No
Prerequisite Differentials Geometry, Linear Algebra, Topology
This course introduces the algorithms and philosophy of Computational Discrete Global Geometric Structures. There are six components in this course: 1) the mathematical theory of global geometric structures on smooth manifolds; 2) their discrete counterparts; 3) the algorithms to compute them; 4) the programming and coding techniques for the implementaitons of the algorithms; 5) the visualization techniques to demonstrate these geometry structures; 6) besides computer graphcis, the possible discussion of their potential applications in other inter-discipline fields, and so on. Computational discrete global geometric structures(CDGGS) is pioneered by Prof. Shing-Tung Yau and Prof Xianfeng Gu with the classic Gu-Yau algorithm to compute discrete harmonic one-form around 2000. After twenty year's research by mathematicians and computer scientists, currently, CDGGS can handle many other discrete global geometric structures, such as holomorphic one-form, foliation, holomorphic quadratic differentials, conformal structures, and so on, and play an important role in the application of geometry modeling and meshing.
Lecturer Intro.
Hui Zhao is an assistant research fellow in Yanxi Lake Beijing institute of mathematical sciences and applications, he had been a visiting scholar in Harvard university and YMSC, Tsinghua university. His research focuses on the theory and algorithms of computational conformal geometry, computational discrete global geometric structures, computer graphics, geometry modeling and their applications in medical images, materials, CAD, virtual reality, Metaverse, and so on. He published fives computer graphics books and dozens of papers in related journals.