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BIMSA2022秋学期 新增公开课信息

2022-09-19 ~ 2022-12-06

Statistical Theory


Lecturer Fan Yang (Research Fellow)

Time 09:50 - 11:25, Mon,Tue

Venue 清华大学近春园西楼一层报告厅

Online Zoom: 537 192 5549 PW:BIMSA

Level Graduate

Language Chinese

Record Yes


Understand discrete and continuous random variables, transformations and expectations, common families of distributions, multiple random variables, differential and integral calculus.


This course covers theoretical and applied fundamentals of statistical inference. The primary topics include principles of data reduction, point estimation, hypothesis testing, interval estimation and asymptotic methods.

Lecturer Intro.

Dr. Fan Yang is a Professor at Yau Mathematical Sciences Center. She obtained her Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics and Computational Science from the University of Pennsylvania in 2014. Dr. Yang’s research interests center around the development of statistical methodologies for causal inference problems inspired by scientific applications, ranging from public health to genomics and educational research. As a first or corresponding author, she has published multiple papers in leading journals in statistics and genetics, including Annals of Applied Statistics, Bioinformatics, Biometrics, Genetic Epidemiology, Genome Biology, Genome Research, and Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series B. During her PhD study, she received the American Statistical Association (ASA) Section on Statistics in Epidemiology Young Investigators Award in 2013 and ASA Section on Health Policy Statistics Student Paper Competition Award in 2014. She is currently serving as an Associate Editor for Biometrics, one of the leading methodological journals in the biostatistics profession.

2022-10-27 ~ 2023-01-12

Bayesian machine learning


Lecturer Alexey Zaytsev (Visiting Assistant Research Fellow)

Time 17:05 - 18:40, Thu

Venue 1110

Online Zoom: 928 682 9093 PW:BIMSA

Level Graduate

Language English

Record Yes


Probability theory, Mathematical statistics, Machine learning


Probabilistic approach in machine and deep learning leads to principled solutions. It provides explainable decisions and new ways for improving of existing approaches. Bayesian machine learning consists of probabilistic approaches that rely on Bayes formula. It can help in numerous applications and has beautiful mathematical concepts behind. In this course, I will describe the foundations of Bayesian machine learning and how it works as a part of deep learning framework.

Lecturer Intro.

Alexey has deep expertise in machine learning and processing of sequential data. He publishes at top venues, including KDD, ACM Multimedia and AISTATS. Industrial applications of his results are now in service at companies Airbus, Porsche and Saudi Aramco among others.

  • BIMSA秋学期公开课将于下周开课!


  • BIMSA秋学期公开课即将开始!

    北京雁栖湖应用数学研究院2022年秋学期公开课将于9月13日开始,44门课程信息一次看到爽!课程大都在线直播,欢迎报名参加。BIMSA2022秋学期 公开课总课表扫描以下二维码注册报名Registration for WeChat usersRegistration for Google users欢迎加入课程微信群微信群、课程详细信息链接如下:(复制链接到浏览器中打开,如提示不安全,可点击高级->继续访问。)https://www.bimsa.net:10000/course.htmlBIMSA2022秋学期 公开课...