清华主页 EN


来源: 07-26

时间:July 26(Tue), 27(Wed), 28(Thu), 10:00 - 11:30am

地点:Zoom Meeting ID: 816 4977 5126 Passcode: Kahler

主讲人:Prof. ShouheiHonda

Recent developments on metric measure spaces with Ricci curvature bounded below


Prof. ShouheiHonda  Tohoku University

ShouheiHonda,Professor, Graduate School of Science Department of Mathematics, Tohoku University. Research Areas:Natural sciences and Geometry.


In [13, 14, 15], Cheeger-Colding established the deep structure theory on Gromov-Hausdorff limit spaces of Riemannian manifolds with Ricci curvature below. Moreover Jiang and Naber with them in [16, 17] proved further structure results on such spaces. On the other hand Cheeger-Colding asked in an appendix of [13] whether their theory can be covered by a synthetic way. Now we know the best answer to this question, namely RCD spaces give the best framework in a synthetic treatment of Ricci curvature lower bounds, in order to cover the theory on limit spaces as above. In the three lectures, we will introduce the basics, the techniques, and the recent results for RCD spaces. In particular we will focus on blow-up analysis on such spaces, which play significant roles in many situations. Finally I will provide open problems related to this topic.

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