Prerequisite线性代数、实分析、概率论、统计学、随机过程Abstract统计学习是统计学在人工智能/机器学习/数据分析中的重要应用。本节课介绍统计学习较为高级的知识和应用,是初级课程的拓展。配合以算法实现、作品展示、论文解读。还会简单讲解统计学习相关计算机语言和包的使用。让我们一起踏上通往未来的道路。Lecturer Intro.Congwei Song received the master degree in applied mathematics from the Institute of Science...
AbstractStatistical learning is a fascinating field that has long been the mainstream of machine learning/artificial intelligence. A large number of results have been produced which can be widely applied to real-world problems. It also leads to many research topics and also stimulates new research. This report summarizes some classic statistical learning models and well-known algorithms, especi...