清华主页 EN

Beyond statistical learning

来源: 02-20

时间:2023-02-20 ~ 2023-05-17 Mon, Wed 13:30 - 15:05

地点:Room 1108 ZOOM: 293 812 9202 PW: BIMSA

主讲人:Congwei Song





Lecturer Intro.

Congwei Song received the master degree in applied mathematics from the Institute of Science in Zhejiang University of Technology, and the Ph.D. degree in basic mathematics from the Department of Mathematics, Zhejiang University, worked in Zhijiang College of Zhejiang University of Technology as an assistant from 2014 to 2021, from 2021 on, worked in BIMSA as asistant researcher. His research interests include machine learning, as well as wavelet analysis and harmonic analysis.

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