清华主页 EN

Workshop on Algebraic Geometry

来源: 12-22

时间:Dec. 22 - 26, 2023

地点:Tsinghua Sanya International Mathematics Forum;Zoom ID 262 865 5007

组织者:Caucher Birkar, Artan Sheshmani



The purpose of this international workshop is to review some of the advances in algebraic geometry in recent years. We hope to cover areas as wide as birational geometry, moduli theory, enumerative geometry, mirror symmetry and related topics and hope to foster further connections between these areas.


Caucher Birkar

Tsinghua University

Artan sheshmani


Mao Sheng

Tsinghua University

Alexey Bondal

Steklov Mathematical Institute

Yuji Tanaka

Kyoto University

Jeong Seok Oh

lmperial College

Jong Hae Keum


Jihao Liu

Northwestern University

Seung-Joo Lee


TBD Speakers …


We offer free accommodation and meals for a limited number of attendees, including professors, postdocs, and students. We will also offer to cover travel expenses such as air and train tickets.

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