Zhongguancun Number Theory Colloquium
2024 September Colloquium at YMSC
Koji Shimizu (YMSC), Yihang Zhu (YMSC)
Fri., 15:00-17:30, Sept. 27, 2024
Lecture Hall C654,
Shuangqing Complex Building A
清华大学双清综合楼A座 C654报告厅

Gerard van der Geer
Emeritus Professor of Algebra
Universiteit van Amsterdam
Part-time member of YMSC
Tsinghua University

刘一峰 Yifeng Liu
Permanent Member of IASM
Zhejiang University
15:00-16:00, Gerard van der Geer
Picard modular forms and curves of genus three
We discuss how to calculate traces of Hecke operators on Picard modular forms by the use of point counting of curves of genus three over finite fields. This is joint work with Jonas Bergstroem and Fabien Clery.
16:30-17:30, Yifeng Liu
Bessel periods and Selmer groups over ordinary eigenvariety
We (re) construct the ordinary part of the eigenvariety for a reductive group G from the module of integral ordinary distributions. For G=U(n)xU(n+1), we construct the Bessel periods as H-invariant distributions, in both definite and indefinite cases, where H is the diagonal subgroup of G appearing in the Gan-Gross-Prasad conjecture. Finally we relate such period to the characteristic divisor of the Selmer group of the standard Galois representation over the eigenvariety.