Outline of Research Direction

PI: Lynn Heller

The BIMSA Differential Geometers is a newly founded research group investigating a wide range of questions arising in differential geometry and applications thereof. There exist very natural interconnections to areas such as mathematical physics, algebraic geometry, computer graphics and analysis. The focus of our current members is on integrable geometric differential equations, minimal and Willmore surfaces, Riemann surfaces, Riemannian manifolds with special holonomies, geometric structures, hyperbolic geometry, derived C^∞-geometry, symplectic geometry and geometric analysis. If you want to know more, feel free to contact any of us or just drop by at our weekly seminar on Wednesday afternoons.

Research Team

Name Title Research Direction
Lynn Heller Professor
Sebastian Heller Professor
Kotaro Kawai Associate Professor
Guillaume Tahar Assistant Professor
Liangdi Zhang Assistant Professor
Jiawei Zhou Postdoc
Jacob Kryczka Postdoc
Sangsan Warakkagun Postdoc

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